Taylor Swift performs on Hollywood Boulevard for Jimmy Kimmel Live on October 23, 2014.
Taylor Swift performs on Hollywood Boulevard for Jimmy Kimmel Live on October 23, 2014.
ABC/Randy HolmeTaylor Swift has been just about everywhere promoting 1989, so publications are really digging around for a new angle.
Enter Lucky. Swift is the cover star of their upcoming issue, and in an excerpt released online, they get to the bottom of Swift's mysterious, MIA belly button. 
"I don’t like showing my belly button," she said. "When you start showing your belly button then you’re really committing to the midriff thing. I only partially commit to the midriff thing—you’re only seeing lower rib cage. I don’t want people to know if I have one or not....I want that to be a mystery. As far as anyone knows based on my public appearances, they haven’t seen evidence of a belly button. It could be pierced. They have no idea. If I’m going to get some sort of massive tattoo, it’s going to be right next to my belly button because no one’s ever going to see that."
Or, you know, you could just look around online